UE Assimp
Asset importer exporter for unreal engine
UAssimpFunctionLibrary Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for UAssimpFunctionLibrary:

Static Public Member Functions

static void OpenFileDialogue (FString DialogTitle, FString DefaultPath, FString DefaultFile, const FString &FileTypes, uint8 Flags, TArray< FString > &OutFilenames, bool MultiSelect, bool &Success)
static bool FileDialogShared (bool bSave, const void *ParentWindowHandle, const FString &DialogTitle, const FString &DefaultPath, const FString &DefaultFile, const FString &FileTypes, uint32 Flags, TArray< FString > &OutFilenames, int32 &OutFilterIndex, bool MultiSelect)
static void ImportScenesAsync (TArray< FString > InFilenames, UObject *ParentObject, FOnProgressUpdated OnProgressUpdated, FOnImportSceneComplete OnImportSceneComplete)
static void ImportScenes (TArray< FString > InFilenames, UObject *ParentObject, TArray< UAIScene * > &Scenes)
static FTransform aiMatToTransform (aiMatrix4x4 NodeTransform)
static FString GetBoneName (FAIBone Bone)
 The name of the bone.
static int GetNumOfWeights (FAIBone Bone)
static FTransform GetBoneTransform (FAIBone Bone)
 The influence weights of this bone, by vertex index. More...
static void GetBoneWeights (FAIBone Bone, TArray< FAIVertexWeight > &Weights)
 The influence weights of this bone, by vertex index.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBoneTransform()

FTransform UAssimpFunctionLibrary::GetBoneTransform ( FAIBone  Bone)

The influence weights of this bone, by vertex index.

Assimp: Matrix that transforms from bone space to mesh space in bind pose.

This matrix describes the position of the mesh in the local space of this bone when the skeleton was bound. Thus it can be used directly to determine a desired vertex position, given the world-space transform of the bone when animated, and the position of the vertex in mesh space.

It is sometimes called an inverse-bind matrix, or inverse bind pose matrix. UE: Matrix Converted to Transform

◆ GetNumOfWeights()

int UAssimpFunctionLibrary::GetNumOfWeights ( FAIBone  Bone)

The number of vertices affected by this bone. The maximum value for this member is #AI_MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS.

◆ OpenFileDialogue()

void UAssimpFunctionLibrary::OpenFileDialogue ( FString  DialogTitle,
FString  DefaultPath,
FString  DefaultFile,
const FString &  FileTypes,
uint8  Flags,
TArray< FString > &  OutFilenames,
bool  MultiSelect,
bool &  Success 

Opens the "open file" dialog for the platform DialogTitle The text for the title of the dialog window DefaultPath The path where the file dialog will open initially DefaultFile The file that the dialog will select initially Flags Details about the dialog. See EFileDialogFlags. FileTypes The type filters to show in the dialog. This string should be a "|" delimited list of (Description|Extensionlist) pairs. Extensionlists are ";" delimited. OutFilenames The filenames that were selected in the dialog Success true if files were successfully selected

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