UE Assimp
Asset importer exporter for unreal engine
UAILight Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for UAILight:

Public Member Functions

FString GetLightName ()
TEnumAsByte< EAssimpLightType > GetLightType ()
FVector GetLightPosition ()
FVector GetLightDirection ()
FVector GetUpDirection ()
float GetAttenuationConstant ()
float GetAttenuationLinear ()
float GetAttenuationQuadratic ()
FLinearColor GetColorDiffuse ()
FLinearColor GetColorSpecular ()
FLinearColor GetColorAmbient ()
float GetConeInnerAngle ()
float GetConeOuterAngle ()
FVector2D GetAreaLightSize ()

Public Attributes

friend UAIScene

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAreaLightSize()

FVector2D UAILight::GetAreaLightSize ( )

Size of area light source.(if its one)

◆ GetAttenuationConstant()

float UAILight::GetAttenuationConstant ( )

Constant light attenuation factor.

The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from the light's position is

Atten = 1/( att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d*d)

This member corresponds to the att0 variable in the equation. Naturally undefined for directional lights.

◆ GetAttenuationLinear()

float UAILight::GetAttenuationLinear ( )

Linear light attenuation factor.

The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from the light's position is

Atten = 1/( att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d*d)

This member corresponds to the att1 variable in the equation. Naturally undefined for directional lights.

◆ GetAttenuationQuadratic()

float UAILight::GetAttenuationQuadratic ( )

Quadratic light attenuation factor.

The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from the light's position is

Atten = 1/( att0 + att1 * d + att2 * d*d)

This member corresponds to the att2 variable in the equation. Naturally undefined for directional lights.

◆ GetColorAmbient()

FLinearColor UAILight::GetColorAmbient ( )

Ambient color of the light source

The ambient light color is multiplied with the ambient material color to obtain the final color that contributes to the ambient shading term. Most renderers will ignore this value it, is just a remaining of the fixed-function pipeline that is still supported by quite many file formats.

◆ GetColorDiffuse()

FLinearColor UAILight::GetColorDiffuse ( )

Diffuse color of the light source

The diffuse light color is multiplied with the diffuse material color to obtain the final color that contributes to the diffuse shading term.

◆ GetColorSpecular()

FLinearColor UAILight::GetColorSpecular ( )

Specular color of the light source

The specular light color is multiplied with the specular material color to obtain the final color that contributes to the specular shading term.

◆ GetConeInnerAngle()

float UAILight::GetConeInnerAngle ( )

Inner angle of a spot light's light cone.

The spot light has maximum influence on objects inside this angle. The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point lights and undefined for directional lights. Inner angle of a spot light's light cone.

The spot light has maximum influence on objects inside this angle. The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point lights and undefined for directional lights.

◆ GetConeOuterAngle()

float UAILight::GetConeOuterAngle ( )

Outer angle of a spot light's light cone.

The spot light does not affect objects outside this angle. The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point lights and undefined for directional lights. The outer angle must be greater than or equal to the inner angle. It is assumed that the application uses a smooth interpolation between the inner and the outer cone of the spot light.

◆ GetLightDirection()

FVector UAILight::GetLightDirection ( )

Direction of the light source in space. Relative to the transformation of the node corresponding to the light.

The direction is undefined for point lights. The vector may be normalized, but it needn't.

◆ GetLightName()

FString UAILight::GetLightName ( )

The name of the light source.

There must be a node in the scenegraph with the same name. This node specifies the position of the light in the scene hierarchy and can be animated.

◆ GetLightPosition()

FVector UAILight::GetLightPosition ( )

Position of the light source in space. Relative to the transformation of the node corresponding to the light.

The position is undefined for directional lights.

◆ GetLightType()

TEnumAsByte< EAssimpLightType > UAILight::GetLightType ( )

The type of the light source.

aiLightSource_UNDEFINED is not a valid value for this member.

◆ GetUpDirection()

FVector UAILight::GetUpDirection ( )

Up direction of the light source in space. Relative to the transformation of the node corresponding to the light.

The direction is undefined for point lights. The vector may be normalized, but it needn't.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: