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Modular Movement Plugin Documentation

Welcome to the documentation for the Modular Movement Unreal Engine 5 plugin! This plugin is designed to provide advanced vehicle simulation capabilities with a focus on modularity. Whether you’re creating an arcade-style racer or a realistic vehicle simulation, Modular Movement has you covered.

Key Features


Each vehicle needs a modular movement component and your desired amount of wheel components.

To help you navigate through the documentation, we’ve organized it into several modules:

  1. Getting Started: Learn how to configure and set up the core data for your vehicles.
  2. Vehicle Data Setup: Learn how to configure and set up the core data for your vehicles.
  3. Wheel Setup: Dive into the details of setting up wheels for your vehicles, including tire models.
  4. Tire Models: Explore the available tire models and how to choose the right one for your project.
  5. Animation Guide: Understand how to create animations and interactions for your vehicles.
  6. Differential Guide: Understand how to Use Differentials.

Each module provides in-depth information and step-by-step instructions to make the most of the Modular Movement plugin. Click on the links above to access the respective pages.

Happy developing, and may your virtual vehicles roam the digital world with style and realism!

Tank specific

  1. Tank Guide: Understand how to create Tanks


You can debug your vehicle and its tuning by attaching a Debugger component. This will spawn a widget on top of your screen.