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Radial Menu Widget

This Radial Menu dynamically accepts children without the need for building static textures.

Examples are placed in WB_RadialMenu, PingSpawner, and WB_Mobile in the plugin content.

Radial Menu

How To Use

Radial Menu Functions

Radial Menu Result

Variables and Functions

Name Type Description
RadialMenuBaseMaterial UMaterialInterface* The material used for the Radial Menu base.
SelectorColor FLinearColor Foreground color used for the selector.
BackgroundColor FLinearColor Background color used for the Radial Menu.
DividerOpacity float Opacity of the divider between each element.
OptionsPadding float Padding for options relative to the widget size.
BackgroundPadding float Background padding relative to the widget size.
SnapSelector bool Determines if the selector should snap instead of transitioning smoothly.
HideSelectorWhenNotHovered bool Determines if the selector should be visible only when hovered with the mouse.
BackgroundRotationOffset float Rotation offset for the background (0-90 degrees, starting from top and clockwise). Default value is 0.0.
SetSelectorColor Function Setter function to set the selector color.
SetSelectorAngle Function Setter function to set the angle of the selector (0-360 degrees, starting from top and clockwise).
SetSelectorAngleByIndex Function Setter function to set the selector angle based on an item index.
SetSelectorAngleFromViewportPosition Function Setter function to calculate the angle from viewport position.
GetElementUnderSelector Function, BlueprintPure Getter function to get the element under the selector.
SetSelectorVisibility Function Setter function to set the visibility of the selector.
MouseDown Event Event delegate triggered when a mouse button is pressed down.
MouseMove Event Event delegate triggered when the mouse is moved.
MouseUp Event Event delegate triggered when a mouse button is released.
TouchStart Event Event delegate triggered when a touch event starts.
TouchMove Event Event delegate triggered when a touch event is moved.
TouchEnd Event Event delegate triggered when a touch event ends.