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Ping system

Ping System is a tool that can spawn networked pings using the chat component

Initial Setup

Setting up a ping

Examples are placed in Plugins/TitanUMG/Content/UMG/PingSystem/LocationPing
You can create a Ping by making a child bp of PingActor class. PingActor by default inherits a sphere collision and a TitanWidgetComponent.
You’ve to set the widget class on Widget component (this widget component remains on screen even the actor is outside of current camera view )

However you can attach any kind of visual representation to this ping actor.

Destroy handling

Ping actor has a event called Ping Begin Destroy which will be called before ping is destroyed. Then function Is Ping Ready To Destroy is called which you can override to handle any kind of visual effect before destroying the ping.

Map System Compatibilty

You can attach a MapPOI component to any ping (which is recommended) To also draw the pings on the map.


Name Type Description
IsGlobalPing Bool Should this ping spawn for everyone regardless of team
LifeTime float LifeTime of the ping. If less than zero, it’s manually handled by you
MaxNumberOfPings int Max number of this ping (will remove older ones if more are spawned)

Properties in Chat Component

Name Type Description
MinTimeBetweenPings float Anti-spam feature
MutePlayerPings Function Anti-spam feature (Local only)
UnMutePlayerPings Function Anti-spam feature (Local only)
BanPlayerFromChatAndPing Function Anti-spam feature (Authority)
UnBanPlayerFromChatAndPing Function Anti-spam feature (Authority)