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Comprehensive Documentation: 12 Tank Pack



The tank tracks are created using the TankTrack Component, which accepts a list of trackable components. The two types of acceptable trackable components are wheel components and idler components.

To set up a track, follow these steps:

  1. Start from the sprocket (an idler component).
  2. Loop around the wheels and idlers, passing these components to the SetupComponent function of the TankTrack component.

Each wheel or idler can have multiple contact points, represented by a Vector2D number that indicates where the track should contact the wheel/idler relative to its surface. For example:

The track system supports track sway (tension). To enable this feature, you can add idlers or contact points where the track should be loose, move them down slightly, and increase the MaxSway parameter. This way, the sway parts of the track will move up or down based on the track length and suspension dynamics.


You can customize the following weapon properties in the VehicleComponent:


The tank material system supports the following features:

Smoke Launchers

Smoke launchers can be customized in terms of direction and timing. The logic for smoke launchers is implemented in the Base_BP Tank blueprint.

Additionally, the cone radius of the smoke launchers can be customized in each tank’s default details panel.

How to Apply Damage

To apply damage to tanks, you can use the hit events of rockets or projectiles. Here’s how you can implement damage:

  1. In the hit event of a rocket or projectile, Use apply damage function, You can react to this damage in Base Tank blueprints in AnyDamage event.
  2. For added realism, you can also apply physical impulse to the tank when it takes damage. This will create a force that pushes the tank back, simulating the impact of the projectile or explosion.

By applying physical impulse, you can create more dynamic and realistic damage effects.